The Perfect Girls: AI-Generated Beauty - 完美的女孩:AI 生成的美麗

By 愛美圖 AI PRETTY - May 07, 2023

The technology allows the creation of perfect images that can capture the essence of beauty in a way that was not possible before. The generated images are impressive and mesmerizing, making it hard to distinguish them from real-life models. The advancement of AI technology in the beauty industry has opened up new avenues of creativity and has pushed the boundaries of what is possible. With AI-generated beauty, the sky's the limit, and the future of the industry looks bright.
該技術可以創建完美的圖像,以前所未有的方式捕捉美的本質。 生成的圖像令人印象深刻且令人著迷,很難將它們與現實生活中的模型區分開來。 人工智能技術在美容行業的進步開闢了新的創意途徑,並突破了可能的界限。 有了 AI 生成的美麗,天空是無限的,這個行業的未來看起來一片光明。


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