AI-Generated Pretty Girls: The Art of Machine Beauty - 人工智能生成的漂亮女孩:AI生成的藝術

By 愛美圖 AI PRETTY - April 25, 2023


"AI-Generated Beauty" refers to the use of artificial intelligence technology to generate or create beautiful imagery. "Compilation" indicates that the video is a compilation of multiple segments or clips edited together into a cohesive whole. "Pretty Girls" is the main theme of this video, indicating that it showcases a series of beautiful female images. Overall, this title implies that the video is generated using AI technology and features multiple beautiful images of girls.
“AI-Generated Beauty”是指利用人工智能技術生成或創造美麗的圖像。 “合輯”表示該視頻是將多個片段或片段編輯在一起成為一個有凝聚力的整體的合輯。 “美少女”是該視頻的主旋律,表明它展示了一系列美麗的女性形象。 總的來說,這個標題暗示該視頻是使用AI技術生成的,並且具有多個美麗的女孩圖像。

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